"The Christian belief in God is not completely identical with either of these two solutions [matter or mind]. To be sure, it too will say, being is being-thought. Matter itself points beyond itself to thinking as the earlier and more original factor. But in opposition to idealism, which makes all being into moments of an all-embracing consciousness, the Christian belief in God will say: Being is being thought - yet not in such a way that it remains only thought and that the appearance of independence discloses itself to him who looks more closely as mere appearance. On the contrary, Christian belief in God means that things are the being-thought of a creative consciousness, of a creative freedom, and that the creative consciousness that bears up all things has released what has been thought into the freedom of its own, independent existence. In this it goes beyond any mere idealism. While the latter, as we have just established, explains everything real as the content of a single consciousness, in the Christian view what supports it all is a creative freedom that sets what has been thought in the freedom of its own being, so that on the one hand it is the being-thought of a consciousness and yet on the other true self-being."
--- Ibid. p. 110
This is most important: "
Creative Freedom",
God, is so magnanimous, so generous, so selfless, so overflowing with Charity, that It has created creatures that are also free beings! Thus, creation points to an utterly, absolutely, and sovereignly free Creator, who does not feel at all threatened to allow His creatures to participate in His freedom, so that they may indeed be acting as truly free agents, who in their own right can think, create, decide, choose, make! Thus, the Original Freedom is also Love! Thus, we have this "equation": Logos=Consciousness=Creative=Freedom=Love!
Amen! Deo Gratias!